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Another Lost Job for Salaita

Reports are circulating that administrators at American University of Beirut have blocked his appointment to a permanent position there. UPDATE: University says search featured "significant procedural violations."

A 'Dangerous' Post

Group of scholars want a political theology blog post arguing that some leftists sympathize with jihad taken down, but the blog's editors say they're baffled by the demand.

Condemning a Colleague

Oberlin professors condemn a professor's anti-Semitic remarks on social media; others refuse to do so.

The Religious War Against American Scholars of India

Highly respected professors face intimidation, threats and smear campaigns for deviating from the views of the Hindu right.

The Education Twitterati

At an American Educational Research Association panel, academics discuss the rewards -- and risks -- of using social media to advance public scholarship.

May the Best Idea Win

New book argues that students involved in campus protests over controversial speakers or ideas should instead support a marketplace of ideas in which all notions are heard and the best rise to the top.

Targeting Fetal Tissue Researchers

Congressional inquiry seeks the names and identities of academics, including graduate students, prompting criticism from scholars who say the probe is more about intimidation than information.

If You Say You're Sorry

Marquette suspends controversial tenured faculty blogger whom last year it moved to fire. And university says he must apologize for some past statements to keep his job.