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Middlebury Maelstrom

Looking back over the long history of controversial campus speakers, what might colleges do differently to avoid uncivil behavior and disruptions?

Rejecting 'Campus Illiberalism'

Ideological odd couple Robert George and Cornel West issue joint statement -- attracting thousands of signatures -- in wake of shouting down of a speaker at Middlebury.

The Controversial Visit You Didn't Read About

On the same day Charles Murray was shouted down at Middlebury, Franklin & Marshall hosted a speaker opposed by some Muslim students and others. They protested, but didn't disrupt. And he spoke.
A photo illustration of the Israeli and Palestinian flags, with a rather grimy filter.

Israel Bars Boycotters

Scholars in the U.S. oppose new law barring foreign supporters of boycotts from entering Israel, a measure defended by the country's education minister as necessary to keep out those who wish the state ill.

Governing Against BDS

Report says movement to boycott represents challenge to academic freedom in the U.S., and urges trustees to take action. Critics say report is a challenge to academic freedom.

Middlebury President Vows 'Accountability'

College will investigate those who engaged in "acts of disruption and violence."

Bodies on the Gears at Middlebury

Why are freedom of speech and academic freedom so absolute for Charles Murray yet so conditional for students, asks John Patrick Leary, who writes in defense of the protesters at Middlebury College.

The Aftermath at Middlebury

New details on shouting down of a speaker add to the soul-searching: professor was attacked after event; nonstudents were among those involved; president vows to promote value of free expression.