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Fired Because He Wouldn't Dumb Down a Course?

AAUP report concludes that a professor at Community College of Aurora was likely fired for refusing to compromise on rigor in his courses as part of a "student success" initiative.

Standing With the Vulnerable

Liberal campus criticisms of the Trump administration and broader political environment are a dime a dozen. So a new denunciation of promised deportations and other rhetoric from faculty members at Christian and Catholic colleges stands out.

Third-Rail Issues

Director of McGill Institute for the Study of Canada steps down after publishing column critical of Quebec, and many raise questions about academic freedom.

OK to Speak, Not to Be Honored

If an institution prepares women and gay people (and others as well) for the ministry, is it wrong to honor or invite to speak someone who opposes the ordination of women or gay people?

Dealing With Disrupters

As colleges debate what to do about shouting down of speakers, faculty panel at U of Chicago issues a report calling for "free speech deans on call," punishments in some cases and process for removing protesters from events.

'Hijacking a Fundamental Right'

Shouting down of a controversial speaker -- a professor who opposes the use of gender-neutral pronouns -- at McMaster University raises new concerns about academic freedom.

Searching for Safe Spaces

They are easy to caricature, but examining safe spaces within the broader context of the university and the First Amendment shows that, properly constructed, they can help students pursue knowledge, write Ashutosh Bhagwat and John Inazu.

Divisiveness Is Not Diversity

Linus Owens, Rebecca Flores Harper and Maya Goldberg-Safir share their views as to why students are protesting at Middlebury College.