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Not in My Classroom

Study suggests professors widely oppose campus carry as inimical to academic freedom, but fewer would alter their teaching habits under the law.

Coulter Changes Course

The controversial conservative author has decided not to speak at Berkeley, saying it would not be safe.

Ann Coulter vs. Berkeley, Round 2

She refuses to speak when university says it would be safe and insists she will appear this week. Milo Yiannopoulos says he's coming back in the fall.

Free Speech, Safety and the Constitution

Officials at Auburn and Berkeley tried to stop two controversial speakers on campus but ended up reversing their decisions amid First Amendment concerns. Experts say it's difficult for public institutions to meet legal tests and keep speakers from campus.

UPDATE: Berkeley Invites Ann Coulter

A day after university cited safety concerns to call off a visit for next week, officials said she could come the following week.

White Nationalist Defies Auburn

University barred Richard Spencer from appearing, and he said he would come anyway. With court backing, he spoke and was challenged by some in the audience and many protesting outside.

Looking Into Tweets

Documents show Drexel is investigating a professor’s controversial tweets after public backlash, but it’s unclear whether the faculty is behind the inquiry.

Image of Trump Spurs Debate at Stanford

Professor says university wouldn’t let her print image of Donald Trump -- from recording where he talked about assaulting women -- for an academic conference on Title IX. Amid growing attention to dispute, university relents.