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Words Fly on Free Speech Bill

Critics of proposed legislation to ensure First Amendment rights at Wisconsin public universities say it could backfire and limit expression. Requirement for political neutrality alarms professors and administrators alike.

More Sanctions (and Debate) at Middlebury

College announces sanctions against 19 more students over their roles in disruption of Charles Murray lecture. Some professors -- at Middlebury and elsewhere -- continue to question whether punishment is appropriate.

Linking Evaluations to Equity Contributions

University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire policy will require all faculty and staff members to work toward equity, diversity and inclusion, for consideration in their evaluations. It's controversial, but proponents say it's an efficient way to put values into action.

The Costs of a Calling

The Duke Divinity email fracas shows the peril of academics viewing their work as a vocation and not a job, argues Jonathan Malesic.

Divinity, Diversity and Division

Professor calls diversity training workshop to which colleagues were invited a “waste,” setting off debate about inclusiveness and civility.

Trump Has It Right

He can sometimes stumble into the correct position when trying to appease a constituency, as is the case with his approach to political speech by nonprofit groups, argues John K. Wilson.

Setting a Limit on Academic Freedom

Court says Marquette was justified in punishing a professor for using his blog to criticize a graduate student by name.

Students for Free Speech

Gathering draws students from numerous campuses who endorse a statement of principles about the value of open expression in higher education.