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Commencement Controversy at NYU

Ph.D. graduate's speech backing Israel boycott is condemned by leaders there and at Northwestern, which hired him. Some see academic freedom concerns, given that other political commencement addresses are not attacked.

Academic Freedom at Risk in Italy

Governing party demands removal of a book its leaders don't like from a university reading list.

A Donor's Demands, a Revoked Chair

A religion professor at the American University in Cairo says the university had no right to revoke his chair title after he resisted a donor's demands that he teach Islam in a preferential manner.

X-ing Out Xinjiang

A China studies scholar says a journal editor censored him by striking out a section of a book review critical of the Chinese government's policies in Xinjiang. The editor denies it was censorship.

Tenure, Twitter and Taking Her Board to Task

Historian at U of Minnesota "celebrates" tenure with a scathing critique of her governing board's recent actions against a building-renaming proposal. She says she couldn't have risked these statements without job security.

Harvard Won't Renew Leadership Post of Controversial Scholar

Students in residential college he has led said the law professor's decision to defend Harvey Weinstein was "trauma inducing." He also has a long record fighting for those incarcerated unfairly.

Colliding Values at Doane

University library exhibit included photos of students from the 1920s in blackface. Now the library director is suspended -- and some of her faculty colleagues say Doane made the wrong call.

Politics, Education and Letters of Recommendation

After controversy over professor who turned down student request for a recommendation because she planned to study in Israel, Michigan says faculty members should base such decisions "solely on educational and professional reasons," not on politics.