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‘The Time for Engagement’

Henry Reichman discusses his new book on the future of academic freedom, in which he argues that that future "is up to us."

At Columbia, Questions Over Canceled Panel

Panelists say Turkish government pressure is the likely explanation for why Columbia called off a forum at the last minute. Columbia says there were irregularities in the planning process and that several institutes had withdrawn their support.

Whose Freedom of Speech?

President Trump's executive order is all about protecting only certain kinds of speakers, argues Patricia McGuire -- those toward the right side of the political spectrum.

Punishing Anonymity for Professors

Franciscan U of Steubenville is seeking to block faculty members from talking about university matters anonymously to the press and to limit what they may otherwise discuss publicly.

A Campus Is Not the Place for Free Speech

In the wake of President Trump's executive order, David R. Harris explains why he opposes free speech at colleges and universities.

Compromising Conference Locations

Members of Asian studies group debate whether to continue holding conferences in Asia after India barred Pakistanis from participating in a conference in New Delhi.

Death Knell for Trigger Warnings?

A new study says trigger warnings are useless. Does that mean they should be abandoned?

Political ‘Litmus Tests’ in Florida

Academics oppose proposed legislation to survey student and faculty political beliefs at public universities.