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IP Problems

Copyright ownership concerns abound in the rapid shift to remote instruction.

Ranking Academic Freedom Globally

Developers of new index rating countries by their level of academic freedom are challenging university rankers to consider such freedoms more broadly.

Risky Research

An assistant professor says he was fired because he dared to talk about human population variation and got slandered as a eugenicist.

Annual Collegiality Reviews?

They could soon be a reality for professors at Sam Houston State U.

Demanding a Provost's Resignation

University of Oklahoma students want change -- in the form of a new provost -- following several racist incidents on campus.

When a 'Threat' Derails a Career

La Verne seeks to terminate a gadfly professor for allegedly threatening to "assassinate" a colleague. Is it going too far?

Decades of Service, 1-Year Contracts

Faculty members at Lee College object to new annual contracts and a proposal to eliminate division chairs but hope for the best under a new president.

Tying Grant Eligibility to Religious Freedom

Proposed Education Department rule has higher ed lobbyists worried about possible loss of federal grants for public colleges over barring recognition of religious groups with membership restrictions.