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Principles or Practices?

The model for hosting outside speakers is fundamentally flawed, argues Sarah Stroup, who offers ways to move beyond it.

Is This Thing On?

Jeffrey Aaron Snyder and Amna Khalid explore the thorny issues surrounding classroom recordings, “reasonable accommodations” and academic freedom.

Standing Up for Professors

Washington and Lee offers full-throated defense of professors targeted for political and racist reasons.

Zoom Draws a Line

Videoconferencing provider refuses to stream a university event featuring a member of a terrorist organization. Academic freedom hawks see virtual teaching platforms as a new front in the fight for faculty rights.

Not Shrugging Off Criticism

Scott Atlas, White House adviser on coronavirus, threatens to sue colleagues back at Stanford who spoke out against his approach.

Failure to Communicate

Professor suspended for saying a Chinese word that sounds like a racial slur in English.

Gag Order or Privacy Concern?

When it comes to their students testing positive for COVID-19, professors say they have a right to know and share the information how they deem appropriate. Colleges want to keep those cases close to the vest.

Running Numbers or Running From Numbers?

As colleges moved to reopen classrooms this fall, groups of researchers were forthright with statistical modeling showing likely COVID-19 infections on campus. That's more than some public flagship universities can say.