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‘A Blatant Intrusion’

UNC Chapel Hill Board of Trustees sidelines tenure vote for Nikole Hannah-Jones, “1619 Project” journalist, despite enthusiastic tenure recommendation from faculty and administrators. Professors cry foul.

Having Their Say -- and Then Some

Trustees at Florida Atlantic want to play a role -- maybe a big one -- in the faculty tenure process. The faculty union thinks that's unwarranted -- and dangerous.

A Troublesome Year Leads to President’s Firing

Ronald Graham served as president of Haskell Indian Nations University for about one year and was removed amid student and faculty claims that he suppressed free speech on campus.

Firing the Whistle-Blower

The termination of Daniel Pollack-Pelzner could set a precedent that would eviscerate the foundational principles of both free speech and faculty governance, argues David Palumbo-Liu.

Zoom Addresses Academic Freedom Concerns

After canceling controversial online events organized by colleges and universities, Zoom faced a backlash. Now the videoconferencing provider has pledged to let institutions moderate their own content -- with some important exceptions.

Lights, Camera, Teach?

Florida is poised to pass a bill allowing students to record classes for personal use -- and to complain about professors who violate students' free expression. Idaho's higher ed budget is also on hold over lawmakers' concerns about diversity programs.

Holding a College Budget Hostage Over Planned Parenthood

North Dakota lawmakers are seriously considering a bill that would punish institutions -- financially and otherwise -- for partnering with an abortion provider, even to administer a successful sex ed program that has nothing to do with abortion.

‘A Hotly Contested Issue’

In a case with far-reaching implications for both students and faculty members, a federal appeals court sides with a professor who refused to refer to transgender student by her preferred pronoun.