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What’s Going on at Carolina?

On the heels of the Nikole Hannah-Jones case, UNC governing board doesn’t reappoint an outspoken faculty member to the university press board.

An Extraordinary Firing

If universities can sack tenured faculty without due process, it will set a dangerous precedent -- one that could ultimately be a death sentence for the profession, argues Reshmi Dutt-Ballerstadt.

More Fallout for UNC Chapel Hill

Hannah-Jones case costs the university a noted chemistry faculty recruit. Professors there worry about even bigger recruitment problems ahead.

The Faculty Voice During COVID-19

New survey finds 24 percent of faculty senate chairs say faculty influence declined during COVID-19. Fifteen percent of chairs say it increased. Survey also delves into faculty say in budget decisions, voided handbooks, contracts and more.

Academic Freedom or Academic Abuse?

Students say a film professor at Sonoma State hides behind faculty rights while violating their rights in the classroom. The details suggest the case is complicated.

‘A Breach of Trust’

UNC Chapel Hill professors demand a vote on Nikole Hannah-Jones’s tenure case.

No Clear Answers

Professors and students at UNC Chapel Hill demand to know why journalist Nikole Hannah-Jones was not offered tenure. The university and its governing board still aren't saying much at all.

Enforcing Religious Values or Stifling Dissent?

A recent graduate of Louisiana College says administrators used strict social media policies to censor criticism of the college. College officials say they are within their rights to protect the reputation of the institution.