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Ask, Do Tell

Washington State's community colleges add voluntary questions about sexual orientation and gender identity to all student registration forms.

Taking a Stand for Science

After investigation of professor accused of promoting religious views in a science course, Ball State U.'s president says intelligent design shouldn't be taught in such classes.

Childbirth Doesn't Count?

Complaint says college violated Title IX by refusing to allow a student dealing with a high-risk pregnancy and delivery to miss some classes without penalty.

Higher Ed: Engine of Inequity

Black and Latino young people are greatly underrepresented at selective colleges and overrepresented at open-access institutions -- and the trends are worsening.

Equal Access at All Levels

Unprecedented federal settlement finding a middle school violated Title IX by discriminating against a transgender student has legal implications for colleges, too, experts say.

Audiobooks Aren't Enough

Colleges' responsibility to ensure that blind students have equitable access have become much more clear with a trio of recent settlements; exactly how to meet those obligations is less certain.

Departments Without Women

If all the physics professors at a college are men, is that a sign of bias? Not according to analysis by the American Institute of Physics.

Pro-English or Anti-Immigrant?

Student sues Pima Community College, claiming she was suspended for objecting to students using Spanish instead of English in class.