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Which Groups Are Favored?

In hiring of tenure-track STEM instructors, female, black and Latino academics have an edge, while Asians are at a disadvantage. But the picture for tenure is more nuanced -- and women with young children lose out.

Re: Your Recent Email to Your Professor

Students who use emojis in their emails and write “heeeeelp!” in the subject line don't necessarily know better. Paul Corrigan and Cameron Hunt McNabb present a way for professors to help such students.

Advantage Women

New study suggests STEM hiring favors women over men, in contrast to lots of other research suggesting otherwise. But is there more to the story?

UCLA Faculty Approves Diversity Requirement

After more than a decade of debate, and strong lobbying from both administrators and students, professors vote in favor of the measure, 916 to 487.

Film and Free Speech

University of Michigan cancels, then revives showing of "American Sniper" after more than 200 students complain and nearly replaces it with the family film "Paddington."

'Expanding the Circle'

New book explores strategies and obstacles for gay, lesbian and transgender students and those who conduct research on L.G.B.T.Q. topics.

Does Faculty Diversity Need Targets?

Brown U. says it will double underrepresented minority faculty ranks in 10 years. What's its strategy? Why do some institutions favor -- and some avoid -- specific goals?

Punishment, Post-Oklahoma

College leaders have gotten speedier and more severe in taking action against students linked to racist incidents. Critics fear due process is being eroded.