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'Indian Spectacle'

Author discusses her new book on the role and long-term impact of Native American mascots of college teams.

Cluster Hiring and Diversity

Hiring faculty around interdisciplinary themes appears to have a positive impact on diversity and scholarship, report finds.

Leveling the Field

McMaster U addresses gender pay gap by giving $3,500 raises to female faculty members.

That's Not My Department

Judith Shapiro considers whether it is time for faculty members to focus on their colleges and universities more than on their disciplines and organizational units.

Gaming Beyond Gamergate

At a conference for women in gaming, speakers debate the role of academics in understanding movements such as Gamergate and the harassment some scholars face.

Swastikas, Hate and Confusion

George Washington U is taking action against Jewish student who posted a symbol he brought back from India. Other campuses are accused of not doing enough about the hateful use of the image.

The Coaching Transformation

Shifting from being a professor to a coach in a competency-based program isn't easy, write Christine Seifert and Richard Chapman, but it pays off for both students and instructors.

'American Sniper' Shut Down

Film called off at U of Maryland. Unlike debate at Michigan, the senior administration declines to step in.