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Clearing the Shrapnel

Gender-based discrimination in the academic workplace isn’t always overt, but the “shrapnel” of small indignities stays with you. That’s the premise of a new book on this kind of bias, and how to alleviate it.

The State of Undergraduate Education

The Commission on the Future of Undergraduate Education releases its first report, using data to lay out a broad picture of students at today's two- and four-year colleges.

Booted for Hate

Belmont kicks out freshman who used slur and suggested that black National Football League athletes who raised their fists during national anthem "need a damn bullet in their head."

Denied Tenure for Being a Woman?

Jury finds Saint Louis University denied tenure to a female professor based on her gender and in retaliation for a speaking out against the culture of her male-dominated department.

Not Just 'Musical Chairs'

Beyond well-funded individual campus initiatives aimed at increasing the number of underrepresented minority faculty members, experts urge collaboration across institutions and within disciplines.

A President Attacked for Biracial Children

Racist chalkings and phone threats criticize Bethany College in Kansas over its leader's family and its efforts to diversify student body.

Gains in Minority Grad Student Enrollments

Graduate student enrollments increased nearly 4 percent last year, with the biggest relative gains seen among underrepresented minority groups.

Outrage Over a Coach's Comments

Head of Clemson football program says some protesting police violence against black people should move to another country, and implies his comments reflect the ideas of Martin Luther King Jr.