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Ugly Response to Black Lives Matter

At a protest at East Tennessee State University, a white student shows up in a gorilla mask and taunts black students by dangling bananas at them.

'Keep the Damned Women Out'

Author discusses new book on the history of elite universities becoming coeducational -- with the push coming from male leaders for reasons having little to do with equity.

Making Black Life Matter in Academe

Colleges and universities must do more than just bring in a speaker from the movement, only momentarily suspending the whiteness that pervades the everyday life and operations of the campus, argues Eric Anthony Grollman.

When Conference Speakers Offend

After controversial remarks about reproduction at one conference and gay people at another, scholarly groups consider whether they have an obligation to apologize for what was said or whether doing so constitutes censorship.

An Ally in Troubling Times

Many activist professors are stretched thin from attending protests, leading campus conversations, helping students while also processing their own emotions and dealing with the general weight of the current political moment. Kerry Ann Rockquemore gives advice on how to support such colleagues on your campus.

An Allegation of Racial Profiling

A black student at Prairie State College says he was racially profiled on his way to class by a campus police officer. A dismissive response from the chair of the college's board draws criticism.

Epidemic of Racist Incidents

Blackface photos, tweets about lynching, swastikas and slurs roil campuses. Students rally against those incidents, which experts say aren't new but are finally getting attention. National anthem protests spread.

Our History, Our Selves

As we consider which aspects of racism we in higher education can most effectively address, we need to make our institutions ideal places for cultivating the sociological imagination, writes Judith Shapiro.