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The Interrogation of a TA

University president apologizes after recording reveals how a graduate student was questioned over use of a video, which offended at least one student, of debate on nontraditional pronouns.

The Neo-Nazi Protest That Wasn’t

Only four people showed up to protest the University of North Florida for suspending an avowed white nationalist student.

Big Legal Win for Trans Academic

Federal jury awards $1.165 million, finding discrimination in tenure denial by Southeastern Oklahoma State University.

An IT Accessibility Watchdog?

As lawsuits mount over access to learning technologies for people with disabilities, universities consider banding together to share accessibility reviews of vendor products.

Does Disaggregation Hurt Asian Applicants?

Asian group tells Common Application to stop giving Asian applicants numerous ways to describe themselves by country of family origin. Other experts on Asian educational issues favor Common App's approach.

Calling Off a Classic

Knox College pulls the plug on a planned production of Bertolt Brecht’s The Good Person of Szechwan over concerns about race.

Ending Segregation Through Duplication

After finding illegal discrimination against Maryland’s historically black colleges and their students, a judge orders a proposed fix. But it doesn’t include the controversial idea of transferring programs from traditionally white institutions.

Higher Education’s ‘White Power’

President of higher ed research group documents white dominance in the academy and urges scholars to use their work to help disenfranchised people.