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Reversal in UConn Fracas

Charges are dropped against controversial speaker, but woman who took his notes is arrested. She says she was trying to prevent racist hate speech.

‘Academic Ableism’

Author discusses his new book about disability and higher education -- a work that is highly critical of academe.

Science Research Jobs, Open Only to Women

Max Planck is latest European institution to embrace hiring strategy that limits certain openings to female candidates.

Why Is the NFL Giving Millions to UNCF?

The organization has received a donation from the National Football League, which is trying to end a protest movement by many black players.

Revealing Themselves on Campus

Nazi-style posters and images at Southern Methodist are the latest examples of white nationalists feeling bolder at colleges and universities.

Diversity and Medical School Admissions

Share of white students has dropped significantly in last 35 years, but Asian-Americans are alone among minority groups in seeing substantial gains. Black applicants have lowest admit rates.

Column Starts a Culture War

Texas State's president calls an opinion piece published by the student newspaper "racist." Others have demanded the paper's funding be pulled. Minority students defend the publication and say their views are being squelched.

Chaos at ‘It’s OK to Be White’ Talk

Controversial speaker arrested at UConn over altercation with audience member in talk many on campus denounced as racist.