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Should Names of Campus Buildings Reflect Student Demographics?

Administrator says it is "reverse racism" to seek more diversity in the names of buildings.

How Russian Bots Spread Fear at University in the U.S.

Journal article reveals that anger and confusion at University of Missouri in 2015 were due in part to fabricated reports that were part of a disinformation campaign from Russia.

Bias Against Asian Universities

German professors are more likely to respond to those seeking information on doctoral programs if they are educated in the U.S. than at more prestigious institutions in some Asian countries, study finds.

The Complications of Free Speech

Stanford, while previously adamant in promoting campus free expression, has struggled after posters on immigration were posted in a dormitory, challenging the consistency of the university’s policies.

The N-Word in the Classroom

Two professors on different campuses used the N-word last week. One was suspended and one was backed by his institution, demonstrating academe's continually fraught relationship with the term.

Using the N-Word

Instructor suspended after using slur. Does it matter if he was singing along to a song a student played in class?

The Impact of Parents' Education Levels

First-generation college students are less likely to persist and graduate than are children of college-educated parents, a national study finds.

The Nexus of Autism and Title IX

Lee Burdette Williams highlights the collision of two trends on campuses: the increased awareness of Title IX and the growing number of students with autism.