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Controversial Event at Chicago (Yes, Chicago) Called Off

Description of conservative group's gathering said immigration has turned U.S. into "porcelain receptacle for other nations’ wretched refuse." Group said rhetoric was intentionally hyperbolic, and that students canceled the event.

Questioning ‘Algorithms of Oppression’

Scholar at respected professional organization sets off Twitter furor by questioning new book on technology and discrimination that he later admitted he hadn't read.

Liberal Indoctrination? Not So Much

Study counters widely held views about how students' political views change when they arrive in college.

White Supremacists, in Person on Campus

At Colorado State, skirmishes follow a speech, and anger follows anti-immigrant posters. At Tennessee, concerns arise over a room booked under apparently false pretenses. Colorado State president issues statement saying, "A Nazi is a Nazi is a Nazi."

Are Admissions Gatekeepers Diverse Enough?

Article renews debate over whether too-narrow definitions of merit and too-homogeneous admissions staffing limit the diversity of those who are admitted.

No More ‘Good Samaritan’

Kenyon professor calls off original play about cultural insensitivity amid criticism that it's culturally insensitive.

‘Decolonizing’ a Journal

After a major editorial flap, history's premier journal announces a series of changes aimed at diversifying viewpoints and contributors.

Higher Ed and the American Dream

At national gathering of educators, many see erosion of opportunity -- even as data show continuing impact of earning a college degree.