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White Supremacy in the Classroom

Georgia Southern freshman promotes white supremacist ideology in a class presentation. The university says the presentation falls within his free speech rights. Now students of color say they feel unsafe because of his protected speech.

SMU Sued for Severing Ties With Church

Church body files suit after Southern Methodist amended its governance documents to separate itself from church authority. The move follows actions by the United Methodist Church to strengthen prohibitions on same-sex marriage.

Will a Chief Diversity Officer Fix Salisbury?

Following discoveries of racist vandalism at Salisbury University, the administration is creating a brand-new position.

Academic Diversity Officers

University of Michigan shares insights from its decentralized diversity accountability structure, in which individual academic and administrative units have their own diversity officers.

Moving Toward Engaged Pluralism on the College Campus

Despite the efforts of many people in higher education, student experiences reflect and reinforce broader patterns of inequality, write Elizabeth Bradley and Candice M. Lowe Swift, who describe a large-scale and ongoing approach to help meet that challenge.

UNC Will Give Away Confederate Statue

But don't expect the controversy to end any time soon.

Really Bad Questions

Marketing professor uses Holocaust denial questions to illustrate double negatives.

Scrutiny Over Black Applicants: ‘Recruit to Deny’

Harvard faces new questions over its admissions practices.