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Protecting Faith-Based Colleges

The U.S. Education Department says its newly proposed rule would "level the playing field" for religious institutions applying for funding from the agency. But critics question the motives and assumptions underlying the rule.

Going Online With a Learning Disability

Landmark College, the first institution for students with learning disabilities, is growing online courses. Here's how they're different.

OCR Is About to Rock Our Worlds

Brett A. Sokolow offers advice for how to respond to the new Title IX regulations that will be published soon.

Teaching Me Too

Modern Language Association members discuss how to process the movement -- for themselves, their work and their students.

A Way Out of Impasse Over LGBT Issues?

A proposed split in the United Methodist Church could be good news for colleges that struggled with whether to retain their church affiliation following the adoption of anti-LGBT policies.

When Perceptions Clash

What happens when racial incidents are viewed differently by students who experience them in real time and administrators who try to address the incidents after the fact? At American University, the answer is complicated.

Students' Sense of Belonging Varies by Identity, Institution

New research highlights the differences in students’ sense of belonging by race, institution type and first-generation status.

Prohibiting Caste Prejudice on Campus

Brandeis has added caste identity as "a recognized and protected characteristic" in the institution's antidiscrimination policy. The move was made to address caste distinctions among students and faculty members of South Asian descent.