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Responding to Rise in Campus Anti-Semitism

As reports show harassment and attacks on Jewish students at an all-time high, advocates are calling on university administrators to forcefully condemn anti-Semitism and work more aggressively to address and prevent it.

White Lies

Prominent scholar outs herself as white just as she faced exposure for presenting herself as Black.

Is Lecturing Racist?

For colleges to achieve antiracism, equity and inclusion, one of the most effective actions will be for professors to stop talking so much in their classrooms, argue Scott Freeman and Elli Theobald.

‘Precursor for the Fall’

College enrollments declined sharply this summer among Black undergraduates and men, and at community colleges and rural institutions, raising worries about the fall and worsening equity gaps.


Professors are planning a work stoppage and virtual, public teach-in on police violence and racism next month.

Religious Literacy

Survey suggests colleges can do more to equip students to engage with religious diversity. Students from some religious groups find campus more welcoming and supportive than others.

Don’t Rely on Black Faculty to Do the Antiracist Work

Higher education leaders can do more than simply give lip service to the need to dismantle systemic racism, argues Shenique S. Thomas-Davis, who offers a number of recommendations.