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New Push to Diversify Endowments and Their Managers

Several members of Congress and activists are pushing colleges to reveal diversity measures for those who manage their endowments and investments. The numbers aren't pretty now, but some see hope for change.

A Farewell Letter to DEI Work

Such departments, centers and divisions are spaces of impossibility -- they can't do the things they are tasked with, as they are not empowered to hold people accountable, writes Tatiana McInnis.

Do Colleges Need a Chief Diversity Officer?

When strategically and purposely positioned, funded and supported, such senior administrators can play a vital role in higher education institutions today, writes Eugene T. Parker III.

Justice Department v. Yale

Federal agency says the university's admissions policies discriminate against Asian and white applicants.

Remembering George Floyd

Some colleges are reviewing their law enforcement and criminal justice curricula following national unrest around police brutality and racism.

The ADA at 30

Mary Lee Vance answers questions about the Americans With Disabilities Act, which passed 30 years ago last week, including on progress still to be made and concerns for the COVID-19 age.

‘Going to the Mat’ Over Diversity Training

Political science professor at Converse College says he's facing termination for refusing to complete two diversity and antibias training modules.

U.S. and ‘Them’

A leading voice on welfare reform is accused of racism after he publishes an article linking poverty to "culture." Journal faces calls for retraction.