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‘The Liberty Way’

A lawsuit alleges that the evangelical Christian university has created policies that dissuade students from reporting sexual violence and punish those who do.

Howard Students End Sit-In

After 33 days of protest, student demonstrators reach an agreement with Howard University administrators over housing conditions and student representation on the board.

An Argument Against ‘Raceless’ Policy Making

Higher education won’t address racial inequity unless states and institutions acknowledge the current problems and respond to them head-on, a speaker tells state officials.

Democratizing Data With an Equity Lens

By sharing the right data, higher ed leaders can use the collective expertise on their campus to identify and dislodge barriers to student success and advance equitable outcomes, writes Jeff Gold.

Recentering the Bright Sheng Debate

A dozen University of Michigan professors argue that the controversy over a blackface Othello is more about teaching preparation than free expression, and that better university training and protocols could have lessened the fallout for everyone involved.

Compromising on Diversity?

Iowa State’s Faculty Senate approved a compromise on a diversity requirement to comply with a new state law against the teaching of “divisive concepts.” Some say it’s time to move forward, but other professors say this is no victory.

Researching ‘Institutional Courage’

A research center focuses on how institutions, including colleges, betray their constituents—and how institutions can act with courage instead.

Bad Education

Students at the University of Illinois at Chicago escalate their calls for a law professor accused of racism to be fired, now that he’s scheduled to return to the classroom. The professor says he’s caught up in something that isn’t really about him.