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Sexual Assault and Study Abroad

New preliminary research suggests that the risk of sexual assault for female undergraduates increases during study abroad.

Free Speech Limited for HR Official

Appeals court says University of Toledo had right to fire human resources director for op-ed questioning legitimacy of gay rights.

No Longer a Silent Minority

This year, gay students at evangelical colleges have been increasingly organized and vocal in pressing for change.

A Firing Upheld

Indiana Supreme Court finds U. of Evansville was justified in ousting a tenured professor over an allegation of sexual harassment.

(Mis)Judging Female Scientists

Prominent researcher’s Facebook post calling women at a neuroscience conference “unattractive,” and lamenting lack of "super model types," sets off debate about sexism in science.

How Inclusive is Diversity?

Gallaudet's decision to suspend and to rehire its chief diversity officer over her stance against gay marriage raises issues about administrators' rights and responsibilities.

Calling Out Academic 'Mansplaining'

Professor starts website for colleagues to report on the condescending counsel they receive from some male colleagues.

Got Milk?

An American U. professor set off a debate over breast-feeding in class. Not everyone agrees on that issue, but most experts say colleges should make it easy for breast-feeding employees to pump. Are institutions doing their part?