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How Inclusive is Diversity?

Gallaudet's decision to suspend and to rehire its chief diversity officer over her stance against gay marriage raises issues about administrators' rights and responsibilities.

Calling Out Academic 'Mansplaining'

Professor starts website for colleagues to report on the condescending counsel they receive from some male colleagues.

Got Milk?

An American U. professor set off a debate over breast-feeding in class. Not everyone agrees on that issue, but most experts say colleges should make it easy for breast-feeding employees to pump. Are institutions doing their part?

Marx and Breast-Feeding

David Vine sees many lessons from an unlikely source to make sense of the recent controversy at American University.

Sororities at Swarthmore?

As a group of women readies to open a sorority to Swarthmore for the first time in 80 years, some students are calling for a schoolwide referendum, arguing that a sorority violates the college's Quaker values and emphasis on learning.

Breast-Feeding While Teaching

When student journalists asked professor about how she fed her sick infant during first day of class, she objected -- and told her story online. Amid all the discussion of family-friendly policies, is this an issue that remains undiscussed?

Anti-Gay Bias or Academic Freedom?

Is it legitimate for a college course to describe homosexuality as deviance along lines of drug use or prostitution?

'How to Be Gay'

U. of Michigan professor caused major controversy with course called 'How to Be Gay.' A dozen years later, he has written a book on the same topic.