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Taking a (Scholarly) Stand

Associations representing historians, psychologists and sociologists -- based on research in their disciplines -- urge Supreme Court to recognize gay and lesbian marriage rights.

Rate My Word Choice

When students go to popular Web site to rate professors, their word choices appear to depend on whether instructors are men or women, new analysis finds.

Endangering a Trust

If a student tells a faculty member about a sexual assault that the student doesn't want to report, should the professor file a report anyway? More colleges are requiring it, and not everyone agrees the policies are wise.

Brains, Not Clothes

Rutgers-Camden law dean calls out students for comments on women professors' attire in teaching evaluations.

Free Speech Can Be Anti-Gay

Federal judge rules that public colleges cannot bar leafleting by groups whose views contradict anti-bias policies.

'We All Felt Trapped'

The complainant in the sexual harassment case involving a prominent MIT emeritus professor speaks out about what legal experts called an "unprecedented" event for MOOCs.

Gendered Skepticism

New study on online comments suggests big gap in the way men and women perceive evidence of gender bias in sciences. What does that mean for efforts to diversify STEM?

Winning the Wrong Contest?

Study finds that women in political science are likelier than men to be honored for teaching. But does this help them get ahead?