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Wiki Worker Wanted

West Virginia U searches for a first-of-its-kind "Wikipedian-in-residence" to increase the number of women contributors to the online encyclopedia.

A Deep Springs of Their Own

While one of country's most competitive colleges remains closed to women, an alternative women-only summer program has popped up on the other side of the country.

A Step Forward for Philosophy

Disciplinary association issues open letter to victims of harassment and sexism, and calls for departments to promote equity. While some philosophers welcome the move, others doubt it will change anything.

Science, Not Sexism

AAAS pulls advice column telling a female postdoc to ignore her adviser's attempts to look down her shirt, amid outcry from scientists.

Leveling the Field

McMaster U addresses gender pay gap by giving $3,500 raises to female faculty members.

Gaming Beyond Gamergate

At a conference for women in gaming, speakers debate the role of academics in understanding movements such as Gamergate and the harassment some scholars face.

'Expanding the Circle'

New book explores strategies and obstacles for gay, lesbian and transgender students and those who conduct research on L.G.B.T.Q. topics.

Staying Away From Indy

San Francisco State bars use of university funds to travel to Indiana. Connecticut governor bars all public colleges (and other state agencies) from using state funds to do so. Do these moves raise academic freedom issues?