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Departure With a Message

Dean at Brandman University says she lost her job for fighting harassment in the workplace -- and that she turned down a buyout that would have required her to stay quiet.

Understanding the Extent of Gender Gap in Citations

One journal now asks authors to explain citation gap.

A Trump Bump in Yields at Women's Colleges

Since 2016, top women's colleges have been seeing significant gains as more young women embrace Me Too and resistance to Republican politics.

The Chance to Question Your Accuser

After a recent court ruling, University of Michigan must sponsor a special live hearing for a student accused of sexual assault to challenge his accuser.

More Than Just Bathrooms

A new study finds that while the proper restrooms are important to transgender students, they want much more to feel comfortable on their campuses.

When Jurisdiction Matters in Campus Rape

Student at one university says he was sexually assaulted on his campus by student from another university, which found the accused responsible -- twice -- but declined to punish him.

Fighting Sexism in Latin American Academe

Leader of a university in Ecuador -- first woman to hold the post there -- discusses the culture she is trying to change.

A Broken System at Ohio State

The university shut down its comprehensive sexual assault unit after complaints of mismanagement and potential retraumatization of survivors -- and experts question whether the model can be successful at all.