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Religious Literacy

Survey suggests colleges can do more to equip students to engage with religious diversity. Students from some religious groups find campus more welcoming and supportive than others.

Refusing Even to Decide?

Both last week's NLRB decision and a case before the Supreme Court, writes Patrick Hornbeck, focus on one query: What kind of questions can courts constitutionally ask about faculty at religiously affiliated educational institutions?

LGBTQ Rights v. Religious Liberties

Religious colleges say Supreme Court decision finding that federal antidiscrimination law protects LGBTQ employees could open their policies up to challenge.

Creating Community in a COVID-19 World

Hillel, the largest campus organization for Jewish students in the world, is finding alternative ways to support students and foster a sense of community despite restrictions on large gatherings and disparate fall reopening plans among colleges.

Cheers and Fears

LGBTQ students at Brigham Young University are cautiously optimistic about a change in policy on displaying their sexual orientation.

Catholic Contraception? Get the App

Two Catholic colleges, Georgetown University and Marquette University, have been helping to create apps for natural family planning.

Protecting Faith-Based Colleges

The U.S. Education Department says its newly proposed rule would "level the playing field" for religious institutions applying for funding from the agency. But critics question the motives and assumptions underlying the rule.

A Way Out of Impasse Over LGBT Issues?

A proposed split in the United Methodist Church could be good news for colleges that struggled with whether to retain their church affiliation following the adoption of anti-LGBT policies.