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College on the Range

A conservative Catholic college in Wyoming educates students in great books, horsemanship and other outdoors skills and bans cellphones on campus. It also turned down federal funding.

Trump Signs Order on Campus Anti-Semitism

White House order directs federal agencies to "consider" a controversial definition of anti-Semitism in investigating civil rights complaints at college campuses.

SMU Sued for Severing Ties With Church

Church body files suit after Southern Methodist amended its governance documents to separate itself from church authority. The move follows actions by the United Methodist Church to strengthen prohibitions on same-sex marriage.

Really Bad Questions

Marketing professor uses Holocaust denial questions to illustrate double negatives.

QR Code Backlash

Scholars of religion and biblical literature object to idea of having their conference badges checked and scanned, citing concerns about policing, profiling and their precariously positioned colleagues.

Understanding, Not Endorsement

American Academy of Religion releases new guidelines on what undergraduates should understand about all religions prior to getting their degrees.

Philosophy at a Catholic College

Newman University wants to align its philosophy program with its new seminary. What does that mean?

Judge (Again) Finds Iowa Violated Christian Group's Rights

For second time this year, federal court rules that University of Iowa breached group's First Amendment rights by de-registering it. This time, judge says individual administrators could be liable.