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Why Did Prop 16 Fail?

Experts differ in their explanations as higher education prepares for new attacks on affirmative action.

With Us or Against Us?

Students of color at Haverford and administrators are at a standstill as a boycott of classes continues for a second week. The students are demanding firm commitments to structurally shift the institution and better support for students of color.

Likely Defeat for Affirmative Action

California voters are rejecting a proposal to restore affirmative action at the state's public colleges and universities.

Voting on Affirmative Action

Will Election Day see a restoration of the consideration of race in admissions in California? Will the vote be as influential as the measure to ban affirmative action?

Racial Equity in Funding for Higher Ed

Since the last recession, the U.S. has made little progress on the funding gap for colleges that serve disproportionate shares of students of color. That gap may widen as the country heads into another recession.

‘There Are So Few That Have Made Their Way’

Black campus leaders say their careers can be deeply rewarding, even as they are taxing. So why are Black employees so sharply underrepresented at the top ranks of the higher education ecosystem?

Black Workers and the University

Black workers at universities are among the most vulnerable people on campuses. But they often are left out of conversations about racial justice.

Confronting Racism in Admissions

Is now the moment when college admission professionals will start breaking down known barriers to admission for Black students?