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Beyond Implicit Bias

Are implicit bias workshops just a Band-Aid approach to racial justice and equity challenges on campuses, or can they actually have an impact? Edward Pittman provides some answers.

Beyond Dollars and Cents

The full value of higher education can’t be measured in financial outcomes alone but must also take into account the advancement of social justice, argue Kayla C. Elliot and Tiffany Jones.

What's in a Name?

In June, Washington and Lee University will announce whether it will change its name, which honors a Confederate commander. The decision can't make everyone happy.

The Transformative Power of Student Voices in the Midst of Racial Injustice

The demands that come from student activists can lead to transformative change if campus leaders work with them respectfully and in partnership, say Joy Gaston Gayles and Alyssa Rockenbach.

Lhamon Nominated for Top Civil Rights Post

President Biden's nominee for assistant secretary for civil rights is no stranger to the Department of Education -- Catherine Lhamon held the same position during the Obama administration.

Infographic: Campus Racial Climate Expectations and Observations

Students speak out about what they’ve seen and what they expect from their colleges with regard to racial justice and climate.

Tackling Racial Inequities in College Sports

A new report offers strategies and incentives for institutions and leagues to address long-standing inequities and barriers for Black athletes.

‘Behind the Diversity Numbers’

Author discusses his new book on “achieving racial equity on campus.”