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Affirming Affirmative Action

Obama administration tells colleges they need not change policies in light of recent Supreme Court decision.

It's Not Just Alabama

Segregation in sororities is neither a surprise nor unique to Alabama, experts on the Greek system say.

Cracking the Door Open?

Following reports that U. of Alabama sororities won't admit black members, president of university imposes system that will expand opportunities to join chapters. Is this enough?

'Students of Color Only'

A professor's e-mail to students he thought were minority raises the question of whether help should ever be offered only to that subset of a course's students.

Back to the Supreme Court

Only months after a ruling on affirmative action, higher ed groups again turn to the justices -- this time urging that Michigan's ban on the consideration of race in admissions be overturned.

Higher Ed: Engine of Inequity

Black and Latino young people are greatly underrepresented at selective colleges and overrepresented at open-access institutions -- and the trends are worsening.

Pro-English or Anti-Immigrant?

Student sues Pima Community College, claiming she was suspended for objecting to students using Spanish instead of English in class.

Racial Tensions

A new study exhibits the internal struggles of African-American students who attend predominantly white universities.