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'Can You Hear Us Now?'

Anonymous racist posts on social media network prompt Colgate students to stage sit-in, now entering third day.

Shrinking Numbers, Changing Values

Under a chancellor who says he cares more about rankings than did his predecessor, Syracuse U. scales back involvement with well-regarded program for recruiting low-income and minority students -- and those students take note.

Texas' Missing Hispanic Students

A new study suggests that giving public research university boards in Texas the power to set tuition helped raise prices and suppress Hispanic enrollment.

Attacking the Opportunity Gap

With scrutiny of affirmative action rising, colleges and governments need fresh approaches to helping low-income and minority students attain a higher education, write David Bergeron and Scott Greytak.

Ferguson's College Refuge

The community college that serves students not unlike Michael Brown is a local hub important enough that Attorney General Holder made the campus his first stop. Local students see the college as a way out.

Names, Symbols and Race

U. of Mississippi considers implications of its 'Ole Miss' name, its racial history and what steps will promote inclusiveness.

Doolittle Don't

Amid criticism from employees, Oak Ridge National Laboratory calls off voluntary Southern accent "reduction" class.

Win for Affirmative Action

Appeals court backs U. of Texas at Austin's consideration of race in admissions, but appeal is likely headed back to Supreme Court.