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'American Sniper' Shut Down

Film called off at U of Maryland. Unlike debate at Michigan, the senior administration declines to step in.

Film and Free Speech

University of Michigan cancels, then revives showing of "American Sniper" after more than 200 students complain and nearly replaces it with the family film "Paddington."

Punishment, Post-Oklahoma

College leaders have gotten speedier and more severe in taking action against students linked to racist incidents. Critics fear due process is being eroded.

SAE at Sea

An investigation at the University of Oklahoma reveals that members of its Sigma Alpha Epsilon chapter learned the racist song they sang during the fraternity's national leadership conference.

Boycotting Indiana?

N.C.A.A., Educause, NASPA and other groups hosting events in Indiana say they're concerned about new law that critics argue gives businesses the right to discriminate against gay people. Thus far, no one is staying away -- and some wonder why criticism came too late.

About Time?

The University of Oklahoma is one of the few institutions of its size without a chief diversity officer.

How U. of Oklahoma Treats American Indians

The same fraternity in the national spotlight for a racist video was involved in incidents against American Indians in the 1990's -- and Indians question whether the university is doing enough to boost minority recruitment.

A Black Student, Bloodied

Photograph of U.Va. student leader, after encounter with state police, renews debate about race and law enforcement.