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Generous, but Not So Generous

Yale and Stanford both move to ask more of families at the upper income levels of aid eligibility.

Presidents Plot Push for Aid Changes

At meeting of small-college leaders, advocates for need-based assistance envision agreement among peers to limit aid awarded for academic merit.

Foreign Colleges and U.S. Student Aid

Final rules published by Education Department toughen requirements for foreign colleges and med schools whose students get U.S. financial assistance.

Tuition Hikes of the Downturn

As economic woes continue, and state budgets remain tight, public institutions are increasing rates by larger percentages than are privates.

So Far, So Good

Predictions of calamity in transition to government-based student lending have not come to pass. But U.S. faces another daunting task: helping colleges help borrowers avoid default.

Losing HOPE

Popular Georgia scholarship that spawned many other merit programs faces financial struggles, and policy makers concede some tough choices ahead.

Redefining Aid Choices

Survey affirms merit awards serve some needy students, but that says little about whether access for less wealthy is a real priority.

Dollars and Sense

New programs at University of San Francisco must fit "mission," but deans are using more sophisticated tools to show they can make money, too.