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Whom You Pay to Park

Should colleges outsource parking? Plans to do so at Ohio State anger professors.

A Shifting Burden

With tuition continuing to rise, College Board reports find the burden of paying for college shifting from states to the federal government.

A New Chess Board

CIOs say that they are tired of being pawns when it comes to negotiating big technology contracts with vendors.

Mobile Picks Up Speed

2011 Campus Computing Survey shows boom in institutional mobile apps, more erosion of Blackboard's LMS dominance and jitters about the cloud.

The Rapid Rise of Merit Aid

U.S. study shows that growth of non-need-based grants contributed to shift of college and state aid toward higher-income students.

Grant Recipients and Race

Contrary to "myth" of minority scholarship inequity, white students receive disproportionate share of institutional merit-based and private grants, study finds.

Heavy Streams

As networks lurch under the weight of a boom in video streaming, a Cornell student petitions against tax on extraordinary bandwidth consumption.

A Back-Office Deal

SunGard and Datatel announce merger that would create higher ed's largest data management vendor.