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Gates, MOOCs and Remediation

The Gates Foundation is ponying up to learn if MOOCs could work for remedial students, a departure from the current slate of MOOCs. Developmental education experts say the idea could work, but others remain skeptical.

Bigger Picture, Smaller Numbers

Saint Benedict decreased enrollment to shore up its finances, an unusual move at a time when many small colleges are considering growth.

Higher Ed Scholars' Voucher War

A high-profile study asserting that New York program increased college enrollment of low-income black students comes under attack from a leading scholar of financial aid policy.

Why FERPA Is Unconstitutional

The Supreme Court's reasoning in its ruling on President Obama's health care law should undermine a student privacy law that colleges often abuse to hide information that should be public, writes Frank LoMonte.

New Programs: Counseling Psychology, Middle East Studies, Culinary Arts, Retail Management, Nursing, Translational Medicine

Delaware Valley College is starting a master's program in counseling psychology Gettysburg College is starting a minor in Middle East...

Global Education Trends

New, wide-ranging report from OECD includes statistics on the relationship of the recession to education, student mobility and degree attainment, among other topics.

Publishers Double Down

Publishers say they will appeal district court ruling on landmark Georgia State copyright case, raising the stakes on a case that could set bar for fair use and digital library reserves.

Pell Spending Levels Off

Federal spending on the biggest student grant program surprisingly declines by $2.2 billion, even as numbers of recipients increased. But a sword still hangs over the program.