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New Boss for Cal State

Cal State taps Tim White, UC Riverside's chief, as its next chancellor. White will take over after California's voters consider a tax proposal with big implications for the cash-strapped system.

Searching for an Answer

Search consultants say dramatic turnover in research university leadership – including at least 11 major searches this year – is likely to result in more unconventional selections.

A Net Disappointment

Review of net price calculators finds that many are hard to find, confusing to use or inconsistent.

A New Affirmative Action

A report out today argues that class-based college admissions policies would be an effective replacement for race-based affirmative action, which is at stake in an upcoming Supreme Court case.

New Programs: Arts Management, Medical Coding, Entrepreneurship

Pace University is starting a new concentration -- in arts and entertainment management -- in the bachelor of business administration...

First Things First

U. of Hartford faculty recommends cutting several programs to invest in others, becoming the latest college to reject the "having it all" mentality in favor of focus on sustainable programs.

Spotlighting Hate

Blogs at two universities aim to promote tolerance by highlighting insensitive and offensive comments posted on social media.

Default Rates Continue Climb, Mostly

The two-year default rate for federal student loans increased again this year, but defaults at for-profit colleges fell.