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Elitism, Equality and MOOCs

Euphoria about massive online courses aside, they aren't the answer to improving access to higher education for low-income students, writes Ryan Craig.

Cost of Free Money

Long Island U. is latest college to face budget problems after overspending on financial aid, a reflection of how the affordability crisis is squeezing institutions.

Taking On Higher Ed

GOP's party platform calls out colleges for political and scientific bias, as well as out of control tuition hikes. It also takes a hard line on immigration and affirmative action.

Don't Panic ... Yet

Recently released Sallie Mae survey shows decreased willingness to pay for some forms of higher education, but the news might not be as bad for all institutions as it seems.

New Programs: Medical Humanities, Film, Geoscience Technologies, Mobile Computing

Indiana University-Purdue University at Indianapolis is starting a bachelor's program in medical humanities and health studies. Messiah College is starting...

No Thanks, Bain

Divergent views by consultants and faculty members on where to take the U. of North Texas at Dallas, a high-profile experiment in rethinking higher education, present a challenge for administrators.

New Programs: International Health, Digital Media, Fine Arts, Criminal Justice

California Baptist University is starting a bachelor of science in international health. Florida International University is starting a major in...

Research or Public Relations?

A recent report suggesting that college graduates have largely weathered the poor economy is flawed and more promotional than scholarly, write Richard Vedder and Daniel Garrett.