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Senate Bill Backs Year-Round Pell

Bill approved by Senate appropriations subcommittee would reinstate full-year grants for low-income students and provide $2 billion more in funding for the National Institutes of Health.

The Cost of Cheating

Study finds that high-reputation institutions stand to lose the most when breaking NCAA rules. But some loyal alumni are still there to help even in times of crisis.

Black Colleges Dropped From Bill They Opposed

North Carolina legislation would have cut tuition dramatically, and many at the institutions feared they would lose revenue. Two universities still are covered by bill.

What's the Matter With Kansas Budget Cuts?

State has changed its formula to impose deepest reductions on universities that receive more outside support.

Available City Seeks College

Red Wing, Minn., hopes to attract a four-year institution but faces stiff competition from larger, sunnier cities and a history littered with failed branch campus attractions across the country.

Overtime for Some

Obama administration releases final rules to require new payments for many employees. Regulations make clear that higher ed employees considered teachers will continue to be exempt. Postdoc pay could be key issue going forward.

Paying to Work

New twist in the debate over unpaid internships is whether colleges should charge tuition for them.