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Amherst's Record on Low-Income Students

Amherst College's president talks about adding more community college transfers after receiving an award for supporting low-income students.

Discounting Hits New Highs

Private colleges and universities are trying new strategies after discount rates rose to unseen levels yet again.

Lawmaker With the Idea Higher Ed Leaders Hate

U.S. Representative Tom Reed discusses his legislation requiring colleges with wealthiest endowments to spend more on student aid -- or face penalties.

Yale Fights Tax Bills

What does a 182-year-old law mean for Connecticut’s colleges and universities in 2016?

Your Future Starts Here. Or Here. Or Here.

To sell themselves, colleges try to stand out. But often, their marketing efforts look practically identical.

Fading Affordability

College affordability has declined in 45 states since 2008, with low- and middle-income students in particular feeling the pinch, new study finds.

State Support Recovering, but Not Recovered

For the second year in a row, public colleges relied more on state funding and less on tuition revenue, reversing a recent trend.

$5 Million for 'Freedom Centers'

As Arizona institutions continue to struggle with deep cuts to state funding, some wonder why on-campus 'freedom centers' funded by the Charles Koch Foundation could get $5 million grant.