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Lessons Learned From a College Merger

Robert A. Brown and David J. Chard offer lessons on how Wheelock College has joined Boston University to create a larger public mission.

Where the Rhetoric Meets the Road

Financial aid administrators draw the ire of leaders in New York after asking for more guidance on how to work under Excelsior, the state’s year-old free-tuition program.

The Chance to Question Your Accuser

After a recent court ruling, University of Michigan must sponsor a special live hearing for a student accused of sexual assault to challenge his accuser.

Education Dept.'s Deregulation Push Gets Mixed Reviews

Trump administration's proposal to overhaul rules for college accreditors is panned by consumer advocates. But online course providers and some who study higher ed say re-examination of accreditors is long overdue.

DeVos Rule Would Cut Billions in Student Loan Relief

Education Department proposes regulatory overhaul that would make loan forgiveness less likely for defrauded borrowers. Majority of outstanding loan claims were filed by former for-profit college students.

A Shift for Koch, but How Much of a Shift?

The Charles Koch Foundation pledges to make future grant terms public, but critics still want to know more about past agreements -- specifically whether they allowed the foundation a role in faculty hiring or curricular decisions.

‘This Isn’t Just a Financial Problem’

CFOs need board and presidential support to put turnaround plans in place, presenters at the annual business officers' meeting say.

FAFSA for Your Phone

Education Department this week will take another step toward mobile access to the federal student aid application.