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What’s Driving Debt

New paper finds that admissions and financial aid policies play a larger role than tuition prices do in driving student debt.

Majoring in Outcomes

Study highlights wage data for new graduates of Virginia colleges, with sortable earnings numbers by major. And similar databases are on the way in other states.

Getting Smarter on Skills Testing

Smarterer's assessments aren't a threat to higher ed, for now, but offer job-seekers a way to go beyond the academy to show employers what they know.

Searching for an Answer

Search consultants say dramatic turnover in research university leadership – including at least 11 major searches this year – is likely to result in more unconventional selections.

First Things First

U. of Hartford faculty recommends cutting several programs to invest in others, becoming the latest college to reject the "having it all" mentality in favor of focus on sustainable programs.

The 'You' in 'University Tour'

Lynn University retooled the campus visit for prospective students, trying to personalize the experience, a switch administrators say is paying off in higher enrollment.

Gates, MOOCs and Remediation

The Gates Foundation is ponying up to learn if MOOCs could work for remedial students, a departure from the current slate of MOOCs. Developmental education experts say the idea could work, but others remain skeptical.

Bigger Picture, Smaller Numbers

Saint Benedict decreased enrollment to shore up its finances, an unusual move at a time when many small colleges are considering growth.