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College Chiefs Contemplate Completion

The National Commission on Higher Education Attainment lists steps institutions can take to help more students finish college.

Nowhere to Turn

Every university funding source is under pressure, Moody’s asserts, meaning that all institutions -- even the elites -- need to rethink their business models.

Parsing the Case Against College

It's in vogue (again) to argue that getting a higher education may not be necessary. It's an old theme, John Thelin notes, and many of the arguments make the opposite case.

The Pupil Cliff

Decrease in high school graduates and growth of minority groups will put increased pressure on states to rethink policies and institutions to improve recruitment, retention and outreach to new student populations, according to new report.

Priced Out

Because of increased competition for students, decreased household income and skepticism about value, a third of institutions predict tuition revenue won't keep pace with inflation, Moody's survey finds.

Making the Case for Adjuncts

Adjunct faculty make up most of the higher education work force, but their working conditions largely don't reflect their role. Is reform on a wide scale possible? What will it take?

Ready for a Fight

Supporters of Texas' public research universities prepare to go another round with the governor, this time armed with data on student outcomes.

A $10,000 Platform

Overlap in agendas for governors of Wisconsin, Florida, and Texas hints at a new Republican approach to higher education.