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Differential Tuition Impact

In some fields, charging more discourages enrollments, especially of female and minority students, study finds.

Coming Up Short

Loyola University New Orleans becomes the second selective college this summer to announce a major enrollment and budget shortfall. Is it a harbinger of things to come, or just a case of bad enrollment strategy?

No Such Thing as ‘Free Tuition’

Oregon will study plan to let students forgo tuition upfront in exchange for a proportion of their wages upon graduation. Critics say it is a bad idea that will never get off the ground.

Blame It on the Dorms?

Virginia audit agency is exploring cost drivers in higher education, placing an initial target on auxiliary services. The multiyear review could influence the national discussion, but finance researchers urge a more sophisticated analysis.

Not the Image You Want

Compensation scandals seem to garner more publicity when the public sees some symbol of extravagance. That makes New York University’s current controversy about vacation homes potentially problematic.

A Deficit of Trust

Justice Department investigation into whether merit aid discussions violate antitrust rules highlights the barriers that private colleges face in dialing back the practice and the unclear laws under which they operate.

Stop Scaring Students

Devorah Lieberman wants pundits to stop ignoring the evidence that college helps people economically, even in economic downturns.

The New ‘New Normal’

With many states' economies rebounding, lawmakers are increasing funding for higher education and holding down tuition prices. Are things returning to a pre-recession normal, or simply taking another step toward a new model?