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Mixed Views of Higher Ed

Poll finds Americans with college education report higher standard of living than do others, but don't always link standard of living to education. Findings suggest lack of knowledge on private college prices.

Politician-Public Divide

Seeking to gauge how to rebuild public support for higher ed, survey project finds that Americans have less vocational view of college than their leaders do.

Major Costs

Ohio Northern University requires students to consider the financial costs before changing field of study.

State Higher Ed Budgets Rebound

Nationally, states are continuing to restore aid to higher ed, but funding is still lower than it was before the recession.

No Longer Free

Cooper Union trustees reject a plan to keep the college free. Alumni fear impact of the shift to tuition.

Private Distress

At a number of small private colleges this year, disappointing enrollments have led to layoffs, program cuts, bond-rating downgrades and more.

Don't Pay It Forward

An idea gaining support in some states has a catchy sales pitch, but is actually a bad deal for students, writes Kati Haycock.

Net Price Rising

Grant aid is not keeping pace with the cost of college, even as the rate of tuition growth slows, two new reports from the College Board show.