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Aid That Grows With Tuition

Two years ago, U of Dayton promised students that when the sticker price went up, their aid would as well. So far, the strategy appears to be increasing retention and lowering student debt.

Does Compliance Cost $11K per Student?

While discussing the Higher Education Act, Vanderbilt's chancellor equated cost of compliance to $11,000 per student -- and the message snowballed.

The Best Pricing Model: Transparency

Gimmicks like tuition freezes and "resets" aren't the answer to the college pricing problem, W. Kent Barnds argues. What is? Honesty and real cost reductions, for colleges and students.

Debt-Free Plans

Who is pushing which ideas -- and why.

Lazy Rivers and Student Debt

Elizabeth Warren and Chris Christie both made statements last week that luxury college amenities like lazy rivers and climbing walls are driving up the cost of college. Are the claims true?

A Path to Debt-Free

Senator Elizabeth Warren, an influential progressive voice among Democrats, lays out her vision for accomplishing debt-free college. It will take a drastic overhaul of higher education policy, she says.

Who's to Blame for Rising Tuition?

A new report suggests that while growing personnel and construction costs are a factor in the rising price of public higher education, a decline in state funding is the real culprit.

Grants for Today's Student

A new report contends that state aid programs should better meet the needs of modern students in today's college landscape, which is vastly different from when most such programs were developed.